La lettura precoce, consigli e regole di Amal for Education per le mamme e per gli educatori per la nuova serie di schede didattiche *** Early reading, suggestions and rules by Amal for Education for mothers and teachers and facilitators for a new series of educational teaching sheets. *** القراءة المبكرة - جعل القراءة ممتعة ومفيدة بسلسلة #أركان أمل للتعليم
Primo set di 32 carte per imparare l'alfabeto arabo (Alif mithl al arnab) versione a colori, da stampare su cartoncino fronte/retro. | First set of 32 cards to learn Arabic alphabet in colours, to print on two sides on thick paper.
Autore: Isabella Chiari
Anno: 2015, Licenza Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND